Reproductive Justice Podcast Episode #1Welcome to “RJ Minded,” the podcast that’s about to revolutionize how you perceive health. Step into a world where the boundaries of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being blur into a symphony of empowerment and social change.

Each episode of “RJ Minded” invites listeners on a transformative journey, revealing the intricate web of factors that shape health outcomes. Through enlightening interviews, insightful discussions, and thought-provoking segments, we aim to empower, educate, and inspire, ultimately fostering a greater understanding of reproductive justice and its impact on overall wellness. Tune in as we bridge the gap between knowledge and action, advocating for the health and well-being of Black women and girls.

This podcast is brought to you through a collaborative effort with Project Fierce Community Advisory Board of WeCanStopSTDsLA, highlighting the shared commitment to elevating reproductive justice awareness and holistic well-being.

Episode one summary:
Episode 1: 

“Be Who You Are For Your Pride – Breaking HIV Stigma + Building RJ Together”

Hold onto your headphones for the spectacular debut of “RJ Minded” with the spellbinding episode, “Be Who You Are For Your Pride – Breaking HIV Stigma + Building RJ Together.” As Pride unfurls its vibrant colors, we plunge headfirst into a dynamic exploration of wellness through the prism of reproductive justice, shining a spotlight on the subject of HIV awareness and prevention.

Your fearless guides, co-hosts Miyana, Gabrielle, and Lonnell, come together as a dynamic trio of empowerment. Miyana, an unwavering program coordinator for Get Smart B4U Get Sexy at Black Women for Wellness, ignites the conversation. She’s joined by the formidable Gabrielle and Lonnell, torchbearers of Black Women for Wellness’ commitment to rectifying health disparities.

Gabrielle, the ingenious Maternal & Infant Health program coordinator, unfurls the tapestry of reproductive justice entwined with HIV prevention, and the staggering revelation that 54% of new HIV diagnoses among U.S. women are Black women. The urgency for reproductive justice rings clear.

At the heart of this magnetic episode lies a captivating interview with Robin Barkin, the visionary founder of TRUST (To Restore, Unite, Support, Transform). Guided by Lonnell’s expertise, this conversation unveils Robin’s journey as an HIV advocate, weaving the essence of reproductive justice into the fabric of HIV education, prevention, and intervention.

In candid exchanges, the trio dismantles HIV myths and forges pathways to fortify care and backing for Black women living with HIV. Robin’s personal odyssey spotlights the transformative prowess of reproductive justice in dismantling stigma and nurturing an equitable future.

Join us on this voyage as “RJ Minded” amplifies voices, challenges conventions, and sculpts a path towards a world where reproductive justice thrives!