Los Angeles is one of the cities that leads the country in chlamydia and gonorrhea rates among young teens and women. Get Smart B4 You Get Sexy aims to tackle this issue and decrease the rates though a variety of strategies, including outreach, education, referral, treatment, testing and building self esteem. Most STIs are preventable through increasing the access and availability of education around STIs and equally many are treatable and if not manageable through medical relationships.
Our Get Smart B4U Get Sexy comprehensive sex and sexuality education program will provide health literacy prevention and intervention resources and education for youth (ages 12 – 24) particularly those who are part of the foster care systems, African American and/or at high risk for sexually transmitted infections.
Primary Goals:
- Decrease rates of HIV/AIDs and STI contraction among youth of color (African American, Latina and Asian/Pacific Islander) in our target student population
- Increase awareness of and access to reproductive health care resources among youth of color in our target student population
- Increase reproductive justice and preventive health leadership development, education and mentoring opportunities for youth of color in our target student population
We would love to host workshops for your youth at either your facility or ours. Send us your request here!